Somatic Coaching & Yoga Events

Below new my upcoming and past events. If you want to get updates about new events, please subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Somatic Core Strengthening

Somatic Core Strengthening

In the studio and online

Developing a strong core is so much more than finding ways to tense your abs. This workshop takes a mindful approach to building awareness, coordination, mobility and stability in the entire core — the whole cylinder of your midsection, from belly, to waistline, to lower back. We will cover the anatomy that makes up the core, including muscles, bones, fascia and organs, followed by breathing practices that help regulate pressure in the core (a key mechanism for both spinal stability and digestion). We’ll then move into gentle movement to help awaken sensitivity and mind-body connection, gradually progressing into more active strengthening postures (for bracing and stability) and movements (for mobility and range of motion). We’ll end with some relaxing restorative postures to help unwind the tension that we developed in the core during the session, which will facilitate the recovery that leads to strength adaptations.

This workshop is open to all levels, and modifications will be offered if some of the exercises feel too strong.

We recommend joining Eleanor’s weekly Somatic Yoga class as preparation and continued practice of these principles, though this isn’t required.

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Somatic Breathing Workshop

Somatic Breathing Workshop

In the studio and online

The benefits of breathwork are more and more widely known, but most people find it hard to develop a consistent practice. Somatics is all about attuning to your body and learning how to let go of unnecessary holding patterns, more so than ‘doing’ more. In this workshop we’ll look at breathing anatomy and mechanics, and then apply this understanding to breath practices with specific benefits for posture and digestion. We’ll also look at the breath’s role in nervous system regulation, applying these principles to practices for stress reduction. Over the 2 hours you can expect: –

  • Anatomical, mechanical and physiological theory

  • Gentle movement to unlock breath-related soft tissues

  • Breath exercises + breath-related meditations & visualisations

This workshop is open to beginners, though some experience in yoga or mindfulness will be helpful. We recommend joining Eleanor’s weekly Somatic Yoga class as preparation and continued practice of these principles, though this isn’t required.

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Meditation & Self-Development Group

Meditation & Self-Development Group

Meditation is a powerful tool in self-development, and in this group we’ll cover various forms of meditation to discover your own unique access points for self-awareness and self-regulation.

But this process is not just about introspection; it’s about exploring how we can take insights about our patterns and beliefs into real-life shifts in your daily experience.

You might expect a range of gentle, meditative movement, breathwork, Active Imagination, visualisation and emotional processing. There also will be space for sharing and asking questions in a safely held container.

Returning to the group each month will be a way for you to find community, validation and support along your self-development and healing journey.

The group facilitator, Eleanor, is passionate about exploring the intersection of meditation, spiritual traditions, psychotherapy and self-development coaching. You can also join her weekly Mindful Movement sessions to deepen your practice of self-awareness and self-regulation.

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Meditation & Journalling Group

Meditation & Journalling Group

Wimbledon studio and online

A monthly group all about rewriting your nervous system and getting in touch with yourself. You’ll be guided through a meditative process of discovering and unravelling holding patterns in your body.

Through the meditation and inquiry practices, you can develop an understanding of where and how you are preventing the natural flow of your life. You’ll be able to witness firsthand how the way you live in your body mirrors how you show up in the world.

Students who join live will have the opportunity to share and ask questions for individualised guidance about bringing your insights into tangible shifts in your daily life.

Book through Jiva’s website.

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Yin for Resilience

Yin for Resilience

Wimbledon studio and Online Livestream

Yin isn’t just about stretching. It can also be practiced as a way to build your tolerance to stress.

Yin becomes an emotional regulation tool when you allow yourself to lean into your ‘edge’. We can use the sensation of stretch as a microcosm of any intense experience that we may have to deal with in life.

People who love a sweaty workout have found a way to build resilience against uncomfortable situations, but being still and calm in the face of stimulation is a whole other form of ‘mental toughness’, because it’s not about being tough — it’s about being at ease in the face of challenge.

In this workshop, we’ll use mindfulness and self-regulation to ease into the edges of what we’re willing to tolerate. This is not about gritting and bearing pain — it’s about conversing with your body to really get to know your limits, and remaining calm as you approach that fine line.

This approach to meditation is a perfect entry point for anyone struggling with seated meditation, as it provides a meditative focal point other than our deepest shadows and demons.

Book tickets through Jiva.

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Becoming The Mother: A Sacred Pause (Half Day Retreat)

Becoming The Mother: A Sacred Pause (Half Day Retreat)

Join Sarah and Eleanor for a Half Day retreat on Sunday 22nd May 15.00-17.00.

No matter where you are in your journey of motherhood, you’ll be experiencing a thousand feelings all at once. This path is a rollercoaster, and at any given moment you can find yourself overwhelmed, confused, or ungrounded.

In this half-day retreat we’ll explore the very first step to finding balance in this journey you’re taking; the first chapter in the story of your unfolding as a mother. 

The Sacred Pause is that gap between everything that’s pressuring you from the outside world, and all the thoughts pulling you around in your head. It is the sanctuary we find in which nothing is being demanded of us. 

During this half day retreat you can expect:

  • Sharing circles 

  • Movement to awake the subtle senses in the body

  • Meditation to explore nervous system regulation and self-soothing

  • Somatic coaching and Reiki healing to shift and balance our energy centres

  • Restorative Yoga for a deep rest

  • Breathing techniques to find stillness and calm

. We want to give you the tools to continue practicing The Sacred Pause by yourself, so this retreat includes some time to share your experience (if you’d like to) and to ask questions about your specific practice.

Please bring a Yoga Mat, blanket, eye pillow if you have one, bolster or pillow and journal. We suggest you wear comfortable, warm clothing. 

Book via this link.

You can find out more about Sarah and Eleanor here:

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Upper Body Strength

Upper Body Strength

This workshop is all about moving and stabilising the joints of the upper body. We’ll be  developing the strength to generate power through the arms, bear weight in our hands, climb, carry — and any other daily activity that might require our upper body strength. 

In building strength, we want to ensure we can be strong while moving through ranges of motion, as well as stabilising ourselves in various positions. This requires awareness, coordination, mobility and stabilisation. 

Expect exercises from yoga, somatics and movement therapy to optimise function at the wrists, elbows, shoulders and upper back. 

Hosted at Jiva Wimbledon and online; available as a recording. Book through Jiva.

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Mindful Release: Shoulders

Mindful Release: Shoulders

Do you find your shoulders are still tight, even after lots of stretching?
Eleanor’s approach will help you unravel tension with more regard for your specific mind and body.

You’ll learn how to truly let go of subconscious holding patterns — taking strain away from the body by clenching and stretching LESS. We’ll use self-massage as a way to stimulate the area, sending fresh blood, taking away waste, while also strengthening mind-body awareness.

You’ll then train your body to move efficiently and gracefully with as little effort as possible. As we gradually move towards strengthening functional movements and improving mobility, you’ll do so with efficient use of tension, rather that unconscious stiffening that causes so much of our pain and imbalances. 

Book tickets through Ebb&Flow Yoga.

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Mind-Body Calibration: Mid & Lower Back

Mind-Body Calibration: Mid & Lower Back

In this workshop we’ll explore the anatomy of the mid and lower back. We’ll look at the concept of a ‘neutral spine’, core engagement and opening ranges of motion in the pelvis and ribcage to foster healthy functioning of these areas.

We’ll go through a calibration process of awakening awareness of these body parts, experimenting with therapeutic movement and self-massage.

Our intention is to discover where you might be unnecessarily holding tension or avoiding certain movements because of faulty patterning.

This work will be helpful for anyone dealing with chronic issues in these areas, but may also help with alleviating issues further ‘downstream’. Because we are indeed an integrative system, this approach can also help with overall stress levels by creating flow in the body and ease in the mind.

Book through Ebb&Flow.

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Mind-Body Calibration: Upper Back & Neck

Mind-Body Calibration: Upper Back & Neck

In this workshop we’ll explore the anatomy of the upper back and neck. We’ll look at how movement and posture of the ribcage and shoulder blades is integral to health in these areas.

We’ll go through a calibration process of awakening awareness of these body parts, experimenting with therapeutic movement and self-massage.

Our intention is to discover where you might be unnecessarily holding tension or avoiding certain movements because of faulty patterning.

This work will be helpful for anyone dealing with chronic issues in these areas, but may also help with alleviating issues further ‘downstream’. Because we are indeed an integrative system, this approach can also help with overall stress levels by creating flow in the body and ease in the mind.

Book through Ebb&Flow.

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Mindful Strength: Upper Body Focus

Mindful Strength: Upper Body Focus

In this workshop we’ll mostly look at facilitating healthy range of the arm bones, shoulder blades and ribcage in pushing, pulling and rotational movements.

  • £54 for both workshops — Book through this link.

  • £28 for single workshop — email me at to book.


Do you ever wonder how some people can look graceful & integrated when they move?

Do you always get the same old niggles, aches & injuries?

Do you wish you could better understand how your body functions so you can move with more ease and grace?

I’m putting on a series of workshops to give you a whole new foundation for your physical development.

Whether you’re a seasoned weightlifter or you’re just starting to get curious about building a stronger body, this approach will help you understand how to optimise the way that you train.

We’ll explore anatomy and healthy joint biomechanics to re-educate your body and bring more conscious awareness to your movement.

We’ll work through mobility drills that will develop control and stability through ranges of motion you may not have reached in years!

We’ll look at posture, alignment and positioning in 6 fundamental human movement patterns — ones you’ll definitely recognise if you train already.

If you’ve ever been given cues like “squeeze your tummy”, “push your hips back”, “pull your ribs in” or “arch your back”, perhaps you’re not really sure what they mean practically, or why they don’t seem to be working for you. These workshops will help you explore whether these cues are accurate for your body, and how the ones meant for you actually translate into positional adjustments. You’ll leave with a greater understanding of your unique body and some corrections you may want to work on.


  • Experiential anatomy for body awareness

  • Functional movement & corrective exercise

  • Stability in alignment

  • Mobility

  • Principles of recovery


I’ve designed this approach by bringing together the worlds of yoga, functional movement, corrective exercise and strength training. I noticed a natural connection between these disciplines that I don’t see on offer, so I wanted to marry them together to find a mindful approach to strengthening the body for optimal function. With the fine-tuned awareness of yoga, the intelligent biomechanics of natural movement, and the muscular development of strength training, I believe we can train for longevity and ease of movement.

Each workshop is £28, or you can buy all three as a course for £80. To book or ask any question about your specific needs and interests, contact Eleanor directly at

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Mindful Strength: Lower Body Focus

Mindful Strength: Lower Body Focus

In this workshop we’ll focus on the mechanics of hinging at the hip, squatting and lunging. We’ll look at the anatomy of the pelvis, spine, ribcage and skull, and some potentially controversial discussion of a ‘neutral spine’ and methods of core engagement. We’ll troubleshoot why you might be experiencing back pain during these movements, or why you hamstrings seem to always be tight!

We’ll then move on to look at the anatomy of the hips, knees and feet for squatting and lunging. We’ll look at some novel ways of bulletproofing the knees, opening up functional range in the hips and ensuring solid grounding in the feet.

  • £54 for both workshops — Book through this link.

  • £28 for single workshop — email me at to book.


Do you ever wonder how some people can look graceful & integrated when they move?

Do you always get the same old niggles, aches & injuries?

Do you wish you could better understand how your body functions so you can move with more ease and grace?

I’m putting on a series of workshops to give you a whole new foundation for your physical development.

Whether you’re a seasoned weightlifter or you’re just starting to get curious about building a stronger body, this approach will help you understand how to optimise the way that you train.

We’ll explore anatomy and healthy joint biomechanics to re-educate your body and bring more conscious awareness to your movement.

We’ll work through mobility drills that will develop control and stability through ranges of motion you may not have reached in years!

We’ll look at posture, alignment and positioning in 6 fundamental human movement patterns — ones you’ll definitely recognise if you train already.

If you’ve ever been given cues like “squeeze your tummy”, “push your hips back”, “pull your ribs in” or “arch your back”, perhaps you’re not really sure what they mean practically, or why they don’t seem to be working for you. These workshops will help you explore whether these cues are accurate for your body, and how the ones meant for you actually translate into positional adjustments. You’ll leave with a greater understanding of your unique body and some corrections you may want to work on.


  • Experiential anatomy for body awareness

  • Functional movement & corrective exercise

  • Stability in alignment

  • Mobility

  • Principles of recovery


I’ve designed this approach by bringing together the worlds of yoga, functional movement, corrective exercise and strength training. I noticed a natural connection between these disciplines that I don’t see on offer, so I wanted to marry them together to find a mindful approach to strengthening the body for optimal function. With the fine-tuned awareness of yoga, the intelligent biomechanics of natural movement, and the muscular development of strength training, I believe we can train for longevity and ease of movement.

Each workshop is £28, or you can buy all three as a course for £80. To book or ask any question about your specific needs and interests, contact Eleanor directly at

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Cultivating Maternal Energy

Cultivating Maternal Energy

This one is for mums and mums-to-be!

Before you can truly step into this role, you must know The Mother archetype within you. To mother authentically, you must learn to mother yourself first.

In this workshop you’ll learn how to cultivate your mother energy. Through movement, meditation, visualisation and Reiki, you’ll experience the felt sense of being held, witnessed with compassion and deeply nurtured. You’ll get the opportunity to share your experience in a safe circle of women on this same journey, and to hold space for those beside you.

You can be anywhere along your path to motherhood to join us, from thinking about conceiving, through pregnancy, to being a new mummy.

I will be co-facilitating this workshop with pregnancy yoga teacher, reiki master and mummy, Sarah Ashe (@flowwith_sarah).

You can book through this link.

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Myofascial Release Workshop

Myofascial Release Workshop

When we experience physical stiffness, it’s sometimes because our muscles just don’t want to let go.

But much of the time, it’s also because the connective tissue (myofascia) that encases every muscle and muscle fibre has become ’sticky’ with lack of use. To release the adhesions that build up in the fascia, we can use a variety of techniques including self-massage, stretching and mobilisation, and breathing.

In this workshop you’ll learn about how to work with the chains of myofascia that wrap around the body to release hard-to-get-to knots and tightness — many of which can be missed in your general yoga or stretching practice.

You don’t need to be a yoga practitioner to attend this workshop (in fact, non-yogi athletes and desk workers are highly encouraged to join!).

£35 per person

Book through Ebb&Flow.

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Cultivating Compassion Workshop

Cultivating Compassion Workshop

*included in Flux&Flow Fellowship membership

If you’re looking to unravel your unwanted patterns and step into the life that is meant for you, here’s a secret you need to know: this process requires bucket loads of compassion for self and others. 

One of the essential steps in working through your conditioned responses involves admitting where you have been unconsciously creating undesired patterns in your life. Knowing we are responsible for our suffering can lead to deeper shame and self-criticism. That’s why self-compassion is essential.

And if we are to accept and forgive the actions of others, compassion again becomes the vital ingredient. Compassion for self helps fosters compassion for others, as vice versa.

In this workshop, we’ll explore the Buddhist view of compassion and try some practices for cultivating what they call ‘loving-kindness’. The idea is to practise compassion so it becomes a way of life, and a soothing balm for any suffering we experience or witness.

We’ll then see what the Tantric tradition has to say on the matter, and practices some invocations that help us contact the unconditional compassion that lies within us all. These practices help to bring compassion into an embodied state.

Drop in workshop: £15

Flux&Flow Fellowship: £45 per month

Email to book or enquire.

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Meditation & Breathwork Course
to Nov 28

Meditation & Breathwork Course

Do you have a meditation or breathwork practice, but you wish it had more of an effect on your daily life?

Have you tried meditation or breathwork, but just found it too challenging to stick with?

Meditation and breathwork are some of the most powerful tools we have to find peace and contentment. They are ways in which we can regulate stress and understand the patterns that are keeping us stuck in undesirable cycles.

Only a small proportion of practitioners actually experience transformation in their lives, because they hit a block and they think it’s just not working for them anymore.

This course is about navigating those blocks. You’ll learn that ‘what stands in the way becomes the way’. What you think is standing in the way of you being a ‘good meditator’ is exactly where the gold is. With this group, you’ll get the special opportunity to ask questions, hear other people’s experiences, and get coached on how to turn those blocks into growth. 

You’ll learn how to use breathwork to rewire your nervous system into a state of safety and rest, and various meditation techniques with specific intentions.

This course is open to anyone, as long as you are prepared to be challenged in potentially unexpected ways! If you have a mental health condition please enquire first to make sure we can provide a suitable environment for your practice.


Sundays 12:30-2:30pm

  • 17th Oct: Finding Peace

  • 31st Oct: Cultivating Your Potential

  • 14th Nov: Emotional Processing

  • 28th Nov: Mindfulness

You can book onto the course here.

To book one of the weeks only, please email

Jiva members please email them at for your discount code.

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