In the studio and online
Developing a strong core is so much more than finding ways to tense your abs. This workshop takes a mindful approach to building awareness, coordination, mobility and stability in the entire core — the whole cylinder of your midsection, from belly, to waistline, to lower back. We will cover the anatomy that makes up the core, including muscles, bones, fascia and organs, followed by breathing practices that help regulate pressure in the core (a key mechanism for both spinal stability and digestion). We’ll then move into gentle movement to help awaken sensitivity and mind-body connection, gradually progressing into more active strengthening postures (for bracing and stability) and movements (for mobility and range of motion). We’ll end with some relaxing restorative postures to help unwind the tension that we developed in the core during the session, which will facilitate the recovery that leads to strength adaptations.
This workshop is open to all levels, and modifications will be offered if some of the exercises feel too strong.
We recommend joining Eleanor’s weekly Somatic Yoga class as preparation and continued practice of these principles, though this isn’t required.