1-to-1 Somatic Yoga

Do you want to feel deeply connected to your body?

Do you crave being able to slow down your mind enough to land truly in the present?

Do you want to feel supple, agile and stable as you move through the world?

Private yoga with me is a highly bespoke approach to therapeutic yoga. Yoga can literally take on so many different shapes and textures, so an individualised programme can help your organic process of unfolding and becoming.

Somatics is the foundation of all my work because I believe that embodiment is crucial for us to live our most authentic and fulfilling lives. When we can calibrate mind, body and spirit, we’re able to navigate life in a way that respects what we truly need to thrive.

Yoga therapy considers all our layers of being: our musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cognitive mind, emotional self and spiritual self. In 1-to-1 sessions with me, we may address any or all of these layers to help you feel more embodied in your sense of self.

Because I offer Somatic Coaching and Somatic Personal Training, these modalities may also come into play where appropriate in your programme.

What’s special about 1-to-1 Somatic Yoga?

If you’d like a guide to help you become more in tune with your body-mind, this approach is for you.

Many people who practice group postural yoga in gyms or studios don’t get the opportunity to delve deeper into how the wider yoga system can help you connect with your Self. If you’ve been practicing postural yoga and are curious about the self-developmental aspects, or haven’t found a yoga practice because you don’t resonate with most classes on offer, this offering may be what you’re looking for.

Who is 1-to-1 Somatic Yoga for?

First, we’ll have a consultation to see where you currently are and what your intentions for practice might be.

Next, we’ll decide on location or whether we’ll do online sessions. I am available for personal training in Surbiton, including home visits in the local area.

Then we’ll find a day, time and frequency that works for you.

Sessions can be purchased on a drop-in basis, or as a pack of 6 if you want to take advantage of a discount.

How will it work?

Next steps?

What my clients say:

“Eleanor came into my life at the beginning of 2018, and I’m not exaggerating at all by saying that she has transformed me physically, emotionally and mentally too. I believe the 3 elements are very much connected and I was so happy to find this same belief in Eleanor. She is a very patient, warm and compassionate person, and these qualities in her come through in her yoga and personal training sessions. She believes in your ability and transfers this belief to you, which gives you the motivation to work harder and achieve better results. She works you hard, but at a pace and level that is challenging yet still comfortable and most importantly enjoyable . I have never left a training session with her without out a smile on my face and an immense sense of achievement and satisfaction. She has a very wise head on a young body which is very inspiring. I look forward to my daily training sessions with Eleanor and I would highly recommend her.”

— Nina (51)

My Qualifications

  • 200-hour Vinyasa Teacher Training, Reflections NYC & Lago Copenhagen

  • Level 5 Sports Massage & Remedial Therapy Dip., North London School of Sports Massage

  • Level 3 Personal Training, HPT5

  • Integrative Movement Science Level 1, CHEK Institute

  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 1, CHEK Institute

  • Strength & Conditioning Level 1, DSW Education

  • Yoga for Sports, Jim Harrington, Yogacampus

  • Yoga Therapy for Sleep, Lisa Sanfillippo

  • The Rocket, It's Yoga International

  • Yin Yoga, It's Yoga International

  • Therapeutic Wisdom of Yoga, Doug Keller, Yoga Campus