Online Somatic Yoga

Do you need help learning to slow down, pause from the stresses of life and be in your body?

Somatic yoga is all about coming into mindful presence in your body. While meditation can help you to train your mind, somatics is an embodied meditation that can help focus the mind but also condition your body for overall health and wellbeing.

Finding Flow

Finding Flow sessions are gentle, restorative practices specifically intended to help you cultivate fluidity in your mind and body.

You can expect to be guided through nourishing flowing movements alongside imagery and poetry to help hypnotise your mind-body system into a state of embodied ease. We end with visualisations and meditations to take you into relaxation and deep rest.

For more on how Finding Flow can help you with stress management, read my below blog.

Join me on a Sunday morning to help let go of the week that’s been, recover from stress and exercise, and clear your head.

  • Online via Zoom

  • Sunday 9:30-10:45

  • £15

Book your spot below

More about Somatics

My approach to movement is based on somatics, which involves subtle, effortless movement with an emphasis on awareness.

Gentle, repetitive movement helps to unwind unconscious holding patterns, and allows your body to discover more efficient movement strategies and postural choices.

We will also emphasise fascial release, which is the mobilisation of the matrix of connective tissue that integrates our entire body. It is this network of tissues that commonly becomes stiff, reducing the ease, grace and agility in our movement. We aim to rediscover the qualities of the fascia — which include elasticity and ‘slide-and-glide’ — through juicy, fluid movement.

We will also focus on breath mechanics — using the breath to create space and release. I liken the breath to an internal massage, allowing each conscious breath to keep our bodies fluid.

Restorative postures and guided relaxation will end each session, giving your body the opportunity to truly surrender, and your mind to rest.