Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

Somatic Movement for Stress Management

Do you ever wish you could go with the flow more? It can be so hard to interrupt cycles of stress, because these are well-grooved pathways in our wiring. Fluid somatic movement can help you rewire these patterns.

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Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

Somatic Personal Training for Mental Health

How somatic exercise can help you heal your mental health through mindful connection to your body and development of your physical and emotional strength, stability and fitness.

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Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

Restorative Yoga for Sleep

Restorative yoga can help you reprogramme your mind and body to find more safety, and therefore the ability to slow down and rest.

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Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

Why Stress Management is Harder For Some of Us

We first learn how to regulate stress and emotions as infants. If we didn’t learn self-regulation through our caregivers, we have to learn it from scratch — and literally change we way we’re wired.

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Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

Why You Can’t Fix Anxiety With Logic

Anxiety is a deep-seated belief that something is not ok. When the programme of anxiety is ingrained, no amount of logic will convince your mind-body system that there’s nothing to worry about.

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Eleanor Forder Eleanor Forder

4 Benefits of Somatic Yoga

Somatic Yoga is a powerful method for stress management, mindfulness and movement optimisation. Here’s 4 key benefits you can expect when you develop a regular practice.

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