Somatic Coaching

Do you feel stuck in the patterns that keep you from feeling your best?

Whether you’re an executive navigating the corporate world, an athlete looking for high performance or a parent desiring a fulfilling family dynamic, 1-to-1 coaching can help you get clear on how you’re creating your current reality, and learn tools that will you steer you towards your potential.

What to expect

I follow a client-centred approach, so sessions can vary greatly depending on what is arising for my client.

You might expect:

  • Self-awareness practices

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Somatic emotional processing

  • Visualisation & meditation

I use psychological and philosophical frameworks to help you understand your mind, your patterns, and release your stress, self-sabotage and suffering.

Movement, physical development & yoga therapy are used as a means of becoming present in one’s body, and to discharge, express or cultivate energy. 

Somatic emotional processing is used to help you process experiences that are creating blockages to the free flow of your power, creativity and joy. 

What my clients say:

“I began working with Eleanor in 2017, as I was initially seeking to improve my mobility and strength following a series of injuries over the years. We did make some progress towards my physical goals, but because Eleanor works in a very holistic manner, it was soon clear that it was more pressing for me to address my mindset. Eleanor has since become a welcomed sounding board for me, as I talk through past and present situations, and start to piece together patterns that may be holding me back from living my most fulfilled life. I am grateful for Eleanor’s nonjudgmental and empathetic listening skills, and very much appreciate the time and space to voice emotions I otherwise wouldn’t have the outlet to express.”

— Rod (56)

Online Somatic Coaching

Somatic Coaching is easily and effectively taken online, via Zoom. Many of my busy clients will take this option to save on travel time.

As long as you have a good internet connection, privacy and preferably good lighting, online Somatic Coaching can be an equally beneficial container for inner work.

Alternatively, we can meet in Surbiton for in-person sessions.

If your intuition is telling you that this is exactly the kind of support you need at this stage of your journey, book a free consultation call to see if we resonate!