Why You Can’t Fix Anxiety With Logic

Anxiety is a deep-seated belief that something is not ok.

Fear is something we need to survive; it’s vital that we fear stepping into a busy road, because we risk our life. There is survival-related logic to various forms of fear and nervousness; but that’s not the kind of anxiety that stops people from living their best life.

The kind of anxiety that eats away at you every day is a deep-seated doubt in yourself or in life. This anxiety gets programmed into us when we repeatedly receive the message that something is wrong and we have no control.

In many cases this programme comes from an anxious caregiver, or a caregiver who isn’t capable of being a source of stability and validation. We’re left with feelings of:

“have I done something wrong?”

“is there something wrong with me?”

“is it safe out there in the world?”

The adult mind may then find logical reasons to back up these doubts:

  • Look at all the crime, death & destruction in the world; of course we’re not safe

  • Look at the people the world finds beautiful/smart/successful; of course there’s something wrong with me

  • Look at all the mistakes I’ve made; of course I’ve done something wrong

We cannot debate this part with logic.

Healing this pattern requires implementing a new programme — one of hope and faith. The kind trust a grounded, attuned parent would impart on their child, letting them know that whatever adversity they face, they will always be loved, worthy and with a home.

If you didn’t receive this, and it’s hard to believe that it can ever be true, then this process starts with allowing someone else to be that beacon of hope. Developing trust in a safe container, where you can put down your defences and process unfelt feelings, is invaluable when it comes to healing and growth.

Somatic Coaching is a powerful way to do this, because we look at the physiological aspects of anxiety, alongside the mental narratives and emotional experiences that need to be processed.

If you’re interested in learning more about 1-to-1 Somatic Coaching with me, email me to set up a free consultation call, or follow the below link for more information.

Want to start working on embodied self-regulation to help with anxiety?

Somatic Yoga is a great way to teach your mind-body system how to slow down and become present. Anxiety cannot exist when you’re in this ‘rest and digest’ state, and when you develop a regular practice, it’s possible to reset your default mode to one of calm alertness, instead of anxiety.


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