Wimbledon studio and Online Livestream
Yin isn’t just about stretching. It can also be practiced as a way to build your tolerance to stress.
Yin becomes an emotional regulation tool when you allow yourself to lean into your ‘edge’. We can use the sensation of stretch as a microcosm of any intense experience that we may have to deal with in life.
People who love a sweaty workout have found a way to build resilience against uncomfortable situations, but being still and calm in the face of stimulation is a whole other form of ‘mental toughness’, because it’s not about being tough — it’s about being at ease in the face of challenge.
In this workshop, we’ll use mindfulness and self-regulation to ease into the edges of what we’re willing to tolerate. This is not about gritting and bearing pain — it’s about conversing with your body to really get to know your limits, and remaining calm as you approach that fine line.
This approach to meditation is a perfect entry point for anyone struggling with seated meditation, as it provides a meditative focal point other than our deepest shadows and demons.
Book tickets through Jiva.