Join Sarah and Eleanor for a Half Day retreat on Sunday 22nd May 15.00-17.00.
No matter where you are in your journey of motherhood, you’ll be experiencing a thousand feelings all at once. This path is a rollercoaster, and at any given moment you can find yourself overwhelmed, confused, or ungrounded.
In this half-day retreat we’ll explore the very first step to finding balance in this journey you’re taking; the first chapter in the story of your unfolding as a mother.
The Sacred Pause is that gap between everything that’s pressuring you from the outside world, and all the thoughts pulling you around in your head. It is the sanctuary we find in which nothing is being demanded of us.
During this half day retreat you can expect:
Sharing circles
Movement to awake the subtle senses in the body
Meditation to explore nervous system regulation and self-soothing
Somatic coaching and Reiki healing to shift and balance our energy centres
Restorative Yoga for a deep rest
Breathing techniques to find stillness and calm
. We want to give you the tools to continue practicing The Sacred Pause by yourself, so this retreat includes some time to share your experience (if you’d like to) and to ask questions about your specific practice.
Please bring a Yoga Mat, blanket, eye pillow if you have one, bolster or pillow and journal. We suggest you wear comfortable, warm clothing.
Book via this link.
You can find out more about Sarah and Eleanor here: